Project Meetings

6th Project meeting. Barcelona (Spain), 13-15 May 2019

The 6th and final BATCure progress meeting took place in May 2019 in Barcelona and was an opportunity for the partners to review the progress of the project so far and to plan the last steps in order to complete all the activities according to the plan.

6th Project meeting Barcelona Spain 2019

5th progress meeting. London (United Kingdom), 16th September 2018

The 5th BATCure progress meeting took place after the end of the NCL2018 - 16th International Conference on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (Batten disease), that was hosted in London from 12th to 15th September 2018. The progress meeting offered the opportunity to track the status of work and the partners finalised all the necessary justifications in order to obtain a 6-month project extension until 30th June 2019.


4th progress meeting. Hamburg (Germany), 29-30 November 2017

BATCure partners gathered in Hamburg in November 2017 to evaluate the progress made so far and to discuss the activities for the remaining year of the project. This time, 3 members of our External Expert Advisory Board joined the meeting and provided their valuable advice. They congratulated the project on the good results achieved so far.


3rd progress meeting. Uppsala (Sweden), 23-24 May 2017

Almost halfway through the project, the BATCure consortium gathered for the 3rd progress meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in order to assess the results and set objectives for the second part of the project. The two-day meeting started with a workshop on exploitation strategy and a discussion on Key Exploitable Results, followed by work-package updates.


2nd progress meeting. London (UK), 24 November 2016

BATCure partners gathered again to discuss their work progress and make sure that the project is well on track. This was an intense one-day meeting in which most Work Package leaders and one of the members of our External Expert Advisory Board, Michelle Habets, had the opportunity to participate. As an expert on Medical ethics, Dr. Habets advised the BATCure team on compliance with ethical requirements.


1st progress meeting. Riga (Latvia), 9-10 June 2016

The first progress meeting of BATCure took place in Riga on 9-10 June 2016. Six months after the start of the project, partners were able to show their initial progress on the tasks carried out so far. It was a very fruitful meeting with a high participation that promoted positive discussions on the present work and future plans.

Riga meeting

Kick-off meeting. London (UK), 28-29 January 2016

The first meeting of the BATCure Consortium took place at UCL in London on 28-29 January 2016. The meeting, gathering more than 30 representatives from all organisations participating in the project, was a great opportunity to get to know each other better and set the direction of the different WPs during the first months.

KOM group pic